Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It is a fact of life that poets have to take an active hand in promoting their poetry collections .  Most poetry publisher are two or three person operations that are going to rely on the efforts of their authors in order to promote their titles.  Below are ten  ways that poets can help themselves and their publisher.

1.   Send press releases to the arts/entertainment editors of local news media about the publication of your collection and include info on how to get a review copy.

2...Send the same press releases to newsletters of local poetry and writers' groups.

3.   Send press release to the alumni magazine/newsletter of your high school, college and graduate school alma mater .

4.  Contact the following libraries and let them that the book is in print and where it can be ordered; local public library (both where you are currently and where you grew up ), the libraries of your alma maters, the state library, the libraries of the principal state universities, local state and private colleges in your area, local high and junior high schools in your area if they are not your alma mater, state and local historical societies.

5.   Contact the list serves and newsletter of any writers, poetry, fannish and general professional groups that you belong to.

6.   Let the chain and independent bookstores in your area know about the book and where it can be ordered.

7.   Let the bookstores of your alma mater know about the book and where it can be ordered.

8.   If you teach then let the libraries of where you teach know about the book as well as letting your school's newspaper/magazine know about the book

9.   Get to as many open mike poetry readings that you can schedule in .

10.  Try to book yourself as a guest on as many local radio and TV shows that you can.

Let us hear some of your ideas.

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